It is just me or is Disney’s newest princess movie the most codependent Disney movie ever? Now, I love a good princess movie as much as the next girl but come on. Not only does Tangled’s golden-tressed heroine change a thief and a scoundrel into a fellow worthy of marrying a princess, but she is also able to change a whole biker bar of scoundrels into sensitive gentlemen, in touch with their feminine sides, just by singing and dancing with them for about four minutes.
Why is this “pick the bad boy and change him into a good guy” scenario so enticing when we all know it doesn’t work. Millions have tried but I have yet to hear of a success story. I have never seen any man turn into a good guy from any amount of love, encouragement, support, shaping, reminding, or nagging. Not even crying works after the first few times. Let’s face it, if you are human you cannot turn spots into stripes. Trust me I know, I tried for 25 years.
But the good news is God can…and does! 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that we all can become new creatures in Christ. What a relief! I no longer have to be everything to all people in order for things to work out. God has it covered.
So here’s my advice to you. (Codependent people often give unsolicited advice but this is different because mine is really good.)
- If you took your daughter to see Tangled do not be surprised when she brings home Creeper, the local high school drop out that is going to become a famous rapper right after he gets the rest of his body pierced, because she just knows that deep down he is an awesome guy. I might be overstating the situation here but then again maybe not.
- Let God do his work on the guy you have your eye on before marrying him. Always know that you are a precious child of God and anyone should have to seek Him in order to get to you.
- If you are going to traipse through the forest with Flynn the scoundrel, wear some cute shoes. Everyone knows that real princesses wear cute shoes, for crying out loud. Sheesh!
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